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EU/EURO Restrictions

A temporary (duration of few hours, daily, weekly) or seasonal airspace related information and/or other information influencing the air navigation is considered either as “EU” or “EURO” restriction.
These could be active or non-active based on sources received by the States/ANSPs (NOTAM, AIP SUP, AUP/UUP etc.)

“EU” restriction are for:

a. Major Military exercise/s
b. Special event/s
c. Industrial action/s
d. Contingency plans
e. Crisis management
f. Temporary RSA

And published via:

a. AIP Supplement/s
b. Aeronautical Information Circular/s (AIC/s)
c. Notam/s

“EURO” restrictions are implemented to allow IFPS check data published in an AIP

Flight plan checking against “EU” and “EURO” restrictions is handled in the same way as against RAD restrictions.

These restrictions are published on request by NM RAD.

Published Date Description
