Real time operational support

Operational flow management problems (24/7 service)

For real-time problems which are primarily ATFCM matters and which require immediate action, such as slot allocation, flight suspensions, contact our E-Helpdesk via the Network Operations Portal (NOP).

Customers without access to the E-helpdesk can call the Central Flow Helpdesk for assistance:
Tel: +32 2 745 1901

Flight plan filing problems (24/7 service)

  1. First test your FPL on IFPUV via the NOP and (for authenticated users) search for route proposals
  2. Check the related Users Manuals through the HANDBOOK portlet of the Network Operations Portal (NOP) , the following page Operational Instructions for any latest change to one or more of the procedures published in the Network Operations HANDBOOK; and if necessary RAD related information.
  3. If you would like to report a problem with the IFPUV error message (you have reason to believe the error given should not be raised on your FPL), please contact the
  4. If you are still experiencing difficulties with the compilation of a flight plan, contact the appropriate flight planning unit: (FP1 or FP2 as described in the IFPS Users Manual)

FP1 - Brussels - tel: +32 2 745 1950
FP2 - Brétigny - Tel: +33 1 69 88 17 50

CACD (Central Airspace and Capacity Database) real time problems - (16 hours service, 7:00-22.00 CET)

Contact the Airspace Data (AD) team:
Tel for CACD issues: +32 2 745 1904 (or +32 2 729 9848)
Fax for CACD issues: +32 2 729 4795